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Writer's pictureKelly Munford

Operation Fruit Cage

This is one area of the garden I haven't shown off much, mainly due to the fact we stupidly started the project when I was heavily pregnant and not physically able to do enough and then with a newborn and rather jealous and volatile toddler in tow, it went to the dogs last year.

Weeds took over, the strawberries were ransacked (by birds AND ponies) as we hadn't finished the netting and pretty much all the raspberries were trampled before they even got a chance to grow.

Fast forward to now and I am determined for it to have a better story this year. I've spent the last week tidying it up, digging out rogue potatoes, moving the currant bush as it was badly placed, Mr M helped me bash in 6 posts which I'll be running wire from in the hope to vaguely tame the raspberries and blackberries so I can still reach the strawberries and get around to keep control of any weeds. I'm also intending to go full no dig in this bed so the next step is to cover in cardboard and barrow in all the remaining manure I have and some compost.

I've got all my blueberries in pots now as even though I'd covered them in ericaceous compost, it seems they weren't overly loving the clay soil so I've dug them up and potted them in the hope they'll be much happier!

We've also decided to knock down the random wall at the end of the fruit cage and I have dreams of putting up some trellis and growing a kiwi up it - here's hoping :)

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